Jingle dress dances are performed by women and girls in some competition today. Jingle dress dance derived the name from the rows of metal cones that are attached to their dresses. A distinctive sound is made by those rows of metal as they dance. A rich history is associated with jingle dress dance. A lot of people have heard or watched women dance in those dresses on Televisions. Those who continue reading this article will learn more about jingle dress dance. This type of dances was started many years ago by a particular tribe. 

Those who know the origin of this dance claim that it was a dream in the first place. A granddaughter of a certain medicine man suffered from a certain condition. The medicine man was told to make a jingle dress for her daughter by a spirit as he slept. The spirit told then medicine man tells the lady to dance when wearing the dress so that she could get healed. The tribe came together to watch the girl as she danced using the jingle dress dance that the medicine man made for her. She was as frightened to dance alone for the first time because she was being watched by her tribe. She cured the sickness after some time because she was able to dance with jingle dress. 

A lot of people suspected that she was suffering from a flu pandemic. Such a flue was suffered by those who lived in the lakeside. Because the jingle dress dance performed a miracle of healing, its popularity started growing. A lot of people who know how to dance it enjoy pride because it is one of the famous dances around the world. These days, women and girls of all ages perform the dance in major ceremonies. You can read more about jingle dress here>.

Jingle dress is the one that is considered to have the healing power even though research has not proven this up to date. The rows of metal found in the jingle dress produce a sound when the ribbons hinging between them contact each other as you dance. They produced a sound because they are very close to each other. These days, the cones of metals that are found in jingle dresses are machine made. Because of that reason, they can produce a melodic sound as the women and girls dance. Because people have different tastes and preferences, jingle dresses come with all colors. You can click this link for more details: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American.